A Step by Step Approach to Guide You Through the Divorce Process Divorce

Divorce Without Lawyers

Step by Step Instructions on Video  

Divorce:   Do It Yourself   

A Step by Step Approach to Guide You Through the Divorce Process 
Applies to ALL 50 States and Territories

No one is more qualified to determine the terms of your divorce than YOU and YOUR spouse

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Our Video Empowers YOU to Take Control of Your Divorce
$19.95  Videotape

About the Divorce Process
Common Misconceptions
About the Divorce Process
75% of your combined life savings is spent on your divorce
95% of ALL divorces are settled BEFORE they reach the courtroom
Mediated divorces are recognized in ALL 50 US states and territories
You may be ORDERED to pay ALL of your spouse's legal fees and court costs if your divorce is settled by a judge 
Even a contested divorce can be mediated without going to court
Joint Child Custody does not have to mean equal time-sharing
Attorneys charge from $175 to $350 an hour for consultations
Mediation is used in divorce to eliminate attorney fees and avoid courtroom proceedings
You must have an attorney to get divorced
Child Custody disputes must to be decided by the court
Only a Judge can determine the amount of Child Support payments
Spouses are required to testify in court
If your spouse opposes the divorce you must let the courts handle it
If your spouse refuses to pay child support the issue must be settled in court
If your spouse refuses to negotiate with you, you must go to court
Issues settled in mediated divorces are not legally binding
Only the partner who wants the divorce can file

Slash Legal Fees 

Avoid a Courtroom Trial

Settle Child Custody Issues

Resolve All Financial Issues

Keep Your Private Matters Private

View Free Video Previews Below


Click Here or on TV Screen to the left to view a Free Preview of the Video




Preparing for

Your Divorce

Avoid Going to Court By Preparing Your Own Divorce.  Click HERE or on the TV Screen to the Left to View Some Helpful Tips.



Click HERE or in the TV Screen to the left to view  a Mediation Session  In the session the Mediator is attempting to get the couple to work out "shared custody" of the couple's children.

Custody Issue

Her Side

Click HERE or on the TV Screen to the left to see Child Custody Issue from the Woman's Point of View.

His Side

Custody Issues

Often both Spouses feel they are doing "The Right Thing" when it comes to Child Custody Issues.  Click Here or on the TV Screen to view one example from the Divorcing Husband's Point of View

Financial Arrangements

Working Out Money Issues is often NOT as complex as it may seem at first.  Click HERE to view a solution worked out by the couple.


The Complete Video
Divorce:  Do It Yourself

Step by Step Instructional Videotape  $19.95
Click Credit Card Below to Buy On-Line

Divorce: Do It Yourself is a step-by-step videotape program to help you through the difficult process of divorce.  By viewing the videotape program and answering the questions presented, any couple, no matter how conflicted, will have the necessary tools to peacefully settle their divorce without lawyers and without a courtroom trial.  

This video program walks you through the divorce process starting with that first telephone inquiry to the courthouse.  You'll see how easy it is to obtain the necessary paperwork for a divorce.  Whether you are interested in getting a no-fault uncontested divorce or you still have some conflicts in your marriage that need to be resolved, this program will help guide you.

The process of Mediation is also thoroughly reviewed in this program.  You'll sit in on a mediation session with one couple during a hotly contested divorce and see how they managed to settle every issue without going to court.

Mediation empowers the divorcing couple to take control of their divorce and reach positive decisions in their own best interest, as well as the best interests of their children.  Divorce through mediation eliminates the need to hire attorneys for the purpose of opposing the other spouse in court.


Produced by Cherokee Productions, Inc.  in Denver, Colorado.

Series Producer's Penny Carter and Russell Ruffin are both winners of the Telly Award for "Best Documentary of the Year".  

In 1999 Ruffin and Carter covered the Columbine High School Massacre in Littleton, Colorado for America's Most Wanted, Law Enforcement TV and Fire and Emergency TV.  They also produced the first documentary on the tragedy to victims cope with and recognize the trauma associated with the shootings.

Russell Ruffin is an Emmy Award winning television journalist.  Over the past 30 years he has covered the world's major news events, from the Martin Luther King assassination to the plight of the American family.  He produced the 10 part NBC series Coping with Divorce, which gave viewers a glimpse at the financial and emotional toll that divorce takes on everyone involved.  He currently produces news segments for America's Most Wanted, Entertainment Tonight, Inside Edition and EXTRA.


Divorce:  Do It Yourself

On Videotape  Length: 37 minutes

Click Credit Card Below to order now
for only $19.95


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Cherokee Productions, Inc.
865 E. Northridge Rd.    
Denver, Colorado  80126

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